It is always a discussion whether you should put together your facility "yourself" with a variation of suppliers, based on a BAT (Best Available Technology) evaluation, or find a complete RAS provider who takes responsibility for the entire build-up.
At the same time Upstream Aqua is very focused on finding technology that has one foot into the future, and we all know that the RAS technology will improve almost day by day. We are lucky to have a huge property, but every sqm has a cost.
Chairman Torleif Bjella visiting Pure Salmon May 31.
Shared vision
“Upstream is aiming to be one of the worlds leading land-based farms regarding circular-economy and sustainabilty. Our future partners must share this vision"
Important factors for our choice
Upstream Aqua has planned the whole facility build on three or four different shelves in the mountain side. We need a system that will be flexible to meet this idea that we know will be energy efficient and provide a high degree of fish welfare. The suppliers motivation to work with our project is of course important, and to discuss solutions and technology without a minute by minute compensation in this early phase.
Upstream AS has made no choice and our visits and meetings on Teams will build an impression which is useful before the tender process starts after this summer.